Thursday, December 3, 2009

Obama Address

Obama's address the other night about sending 30,000 more troops over to Afghanistan to add to the 60,000 plus troops that are already over there. Sometime in January he is sending the troops over, and sometime by 2010 we are going to pull our troops out. Obama is saying that we Americans are doing most of the help over in Afghanistan mean while other countries just stay out of it. America is like a big brother country to other countries, we help them when there in need. There has been Tsunami floods, war and America has always been there to lend a hand. Obama is trying to say to other countries to lend a hand and help with the crisis in Afghanistan. I think that the war we are in we should send more troops and take over the Taliban and murder them all and save that country. We are trainning the Afghanistan men to fight and show them techniques to use against the Taliban and to help train them and to built there army up so when the Taliban come they are ready to fight and stand up for theirselfs. After 2010 when we pull out of the war, we will have the Taliban under control and the Afghany soldiers will have the Taliban under the custady so by then Afghanistan will be a stronger and smarter country.

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