Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I was not able to stump the Akinator, I picked an easy person to guess for the Akinator. The first time I tried my person was Martin Luther King it took him a little while to guess it, but sure enough he got it. The Second time I tired he did not guess my thought, I had defeated him. It was Scobby Doo and they asked me if It was Jacob off of Twilight, I have stumped the Akinator.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

magic wand

If I had a magic wand I would most defeantly use it, it would make my life so much easier I would be able to magicaly make anything apear. First I would use it to get a suitcase of a million dollars and use that to buy a new house and anything my parents would want to make up for everything they have boughten me. I would use it to a ceratain extent, I would only use it for thing I need it wouldn't be a daily thing to use I would use it for my needs, not my wants.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


The video of the girl talking about the process of production of many objects we use and we dispose of, but we never really end up getting rid of it. Its called the materials economy, that is when something moves through a system from extraction, production, to distribution, consumption, to disposal. Extraction is where the material we need to build, production is where we make the product, distribution is where we sell it, consumption is where we buy the product, and disposal is where we get rid of and throw away all the hard work to make it and they only sold it for a fraction of the price. This video hasn't really changed my life in anyway it just makes me think a little different about what I buy and how I will take care of it to help the earth become a better place

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

random words you gave us

One afternoon my sister Rachel, brother Olon, and I had gotten lost in the woods, all we had brought with us is a axe, flashlight, a metal spike I found when we were walking, my brother carried a screw driver tool set, and my sister had a pair of pink sun glasses. We were walking along the side of a stream and we could see down the stream a road with a bridge crossing the stream. As we made our way down the stream we thought we were out of trouble, able to find a way home from the road, when we came to the bridge we heard a sound, we were frightened so we started to walk fast then we heard a screeching roar. I started to run we all ran we made it to the road and stop to turn around and see what it was that made the ferocious noise, it was a bear and it was on to us we had no choice other than to fight. O.T.'s tool set came in handy how all the tools were sharp enough to Pearce the skin of the bear, we had to have a plan so we had to hide on top of a massive bolder and we planned on to ambush it. As soon s the bear came running around the corner my brother and I were all ready for bear then we heard a shot and all we could see was a huge explosion and the sky light up like it was lighting, we quickly turned to see were the flash came from a there was a huge cloud of smoke and there was Sasquatch, he had fired a musket and flattened the bear, and as soon as we knew it he was gone. To this day I tell people this story and they never believe me that Sasquatch had saved our lives that day, but I never could really get a good look at him all I could see was a cloud of smoke and a big furry man.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Winter because I hate to rap

Since I didn't write anything for a rap I am going to blog about winter. Winter is my favorite season of all, my most favorite thing to do is to go skiing. I love to ski I rip up Baker every time I get a chance during winter. I go up every week and ski with my friends its the best time of my life. I usually get to go to Sugarloaf every year and go skiing on crazy trails that are life threatening. My favortie trail at Sugar loaf is White Nitro, its at the peak of the mountain and it is a straight down hill thats filled with moguls and you can pick up some speed and carve back and forth all over the mountain. Last year I went with Shane skiiing we went down that trail and I left him, I didn't see him for another ten mins untill he made it down the mountain.

Another winter activity that I really enjoy is to go snowmobiling. Last year was the last time I run my sled because I blew the engine in it, I am planning on getting it rebuilt by spring time. This one year Jesse, Seth, and I went snowmobiling, the snow was really hard and crusty at the time. We were going through this feild and I looked back and I saw jesse bounce back and forth and went flying off the sled, he almost rolled it on top of himself it was a really funny moment in my life watching Jesse go shooting off a snowmobile into the hard snow.

Winter Is my favortie time of year, nothing else can match it I get to do everything I like and I love to watch out my window at night and see bearly any snow on my roof and waking up in the morning and I saw a huge pile of snow on my roof going half way up my window, I love winter.


I don't rap.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Every year around Christmas time my family and I go to Pennsylvania to go see my mom's part of family. This year we went to my grandfathers house, he lives out in the middle of know where and this year when we got there it was in the middle of a snow storm. The past couple of years that we went down there the barley receive any snow, but this year the had up to a foot of snow. On Christmas morning my brother Olon, my cousin Andy, Jesse, and I went out sledding, there is this hill its just about staright down and at the bottom of it we made a huge jump. So we were jumping and getting huge air on the jump and it was fun. My Christmas was great and I cant wait for next year.