Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Winter because I hate to rap

Since I didn't write anything for a rap I am going to blog about winter. Winter is my favorite season of all, my most favorite thing to do is to go skiing. I love to ski I rip up Baker every time I get a chance during winter. I go up every week and ski with my friends its the best time of my life. I usually get to go to Sugarloaf every year and go skiing on crazy trails that are life threatening. My favortie trail at Sugar loaf is White Nitro, its at the peak of the mountain and it is a straight down hill thats filled with moguls and you can pick up some speed and carve back and forth all over the mountain. Last year I went with Shane skiiing we went down that trail and I left him, I didn't see him for another ten mins untill he made it down the mountain.

Another winter activity that I really enjoy is to go snowmobiling. Last year was the last time I run my sled because I blew the engine in it, I am planning on getting it rebuilt by spring time. This one year Jesse, Seth, and I went snowmobiling, the snow was really hard and crusty at the time. We were going through this feild and I looked back and I saw jesse bounce back and forth and went flying off the sled, he almost rolled it on top of himself it was a really funny moment in my life watching Jesse go shooting off a snowmobile into the hard snow.

Winter Is my favortie time of year, nothing else can match it I get to do everything I like and I love to watch out my window at night and see bearly any snow on my roof and waking up in the morning and I saw a huge pile of snow on my roof going half way up my window, I love winter.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with you man, skiing is awesome! Sadly I can't admit that winter is the best season.
