Thursday, February 25, 2010


If I could be a tree I would want to be a big red wood tree. I would want to be the biggest and greatest tree in the forest, id be so big there will be tunnels that you will be able to walk in and climb all the way up to the highest branches hundreds of feet in the air. I would like to be in a rain forest way out in the middle of no where with the most amazing animals and birds around.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I would love to be telepathic, I believe that the human mind is able to be telepathic but only to an extent. I think it would be awesome to communicate and have a normal conversation with out saying a word. I would never say a word and only speak telepathically to everybody I would become a monk and sit around and do nothing and just live in my mind and learn to control things by using my mind powers.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Rock Band

Rock Band is my favortie game of all time, I am a guitar goddest and no body can stop me. I have played this video game for many years and I have gotten very good at it, Jonathan and I have mastered the game. I want to buy the Taylor Swift Band Hero game, I think it would be awesome to rock out all of her songs. Rockband is one of my favorite games of all times and my second favorite would have to be any of the Grand Theft Auto games.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Well since I am a master farmer on farmville, I know all the good crops to grow on your plantation. Some of my favorite things to grow is grapes, sun flowers, and recently white roses. I little while back there was a special in the market that allowed you to grow super pumpkins, I think It would be a good idea if they made super water melons. If they have them it should be 4 experience points for one patch, if it was like that I would be able to level up in like 4 days. I love farmville I just can't get enough of it I am a daily grower on the sweet application on facebook.

Monday, February 8, 2010


If I had to live in a movie I would like to live in "The Wizard of Oz". I would want to be one of the little people who runs around, sings, and have such a jolly time. I would love to be a little person and have the good witch on my side there to protect me from the wicked witch of the east and her evil flying monkeys.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


I am a new comer to coffee, we just purchased a sweet new coffee machine. Its awesome there is these things called "K-cups" they are little disposable containers with coffee in them, there is all sorts of kinds, my favorite kind is the Carmel French Vanilla. Coffee is good but I don't think it is a everyday thing to do, I only drink coffee if its cold out I don't enjoy hot drinks on warm days, it just doesn't mix well with me. Most of the time I just use the coffee machine for hot water so I can make myself a glass of hot chocolate, id choose hot chocolate over coffee any day, I'm going to start my coffee addiction till I'm older when I am all grown up because I heard that coffee stunts your growth, I'm not done growing just yet.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Opposites atract

Some opposites attract to each other, but it depends on what it is that is being attracted. If it is a positive and a negative it will be attract but the negative and positive charge have to be opposite to each other in order to be attracted to each other, but if it is two positives facing each other it would force each other day and it can not be attracted to each other. Such as a magnet if you both positive side are facing each other it would just push away from each other you need the opposite sides to face each other to be attracted.