Friday, April 30, 2010


I love spring, but if spring was able to talk to me I would ask it why it is snowing during spring time. I would want to ask it if next years spring will come this early and when spring will end. Why does April showers bring May flowers and how does the earth have the 4 seasons and why is spring the start of the warm weather?

Monday, April 26, 2010

My vacation

April vacation is my favorite one of the year, I started off by playing ping pong every day this week. I never played in my life and I got pretty good at it too. I didn't do much the week we had off, I did some lawn work took out my lawn mowers greased the up, wash them. The last weekend my brother came up and he took camper out of my back yard and brought it back to Mass with him. My sister spent her vacation in Dubai visiting her boy friend and his father. She went on a camel safari, went to the zoo, visited the largest building in the country that her boy friend's father had engineered. Its a really rich country over there and his father is loaded with money. Well my vacation wasn't to bad it could of been better but I enjoyed it, my April vacation was awesome!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Friday, April 9, 2010

dog vs hyena

If I had to be a dog or a hyena I would chose to be a hyena. I would run through the wild all day chase down little rabbits all though the dessert. I would live in a big hyena pride and be the alpha hyena of my group. I would lead my pride to victory in anything that will come in our way. Lion, tigers, and zebra will all be spooked when they see use running through the open fields. I would love to be able to sun bath all day in the sun and wonder where ever I want and live my own little hyena life.

Monday, April 5, 2010

3rd Quarter

My thired quarter went well, I am pleased with how everything went except for one assignment. Everything thing else went extreamly well, I gave this class 100% all of the time except for the last week or so. I had a 100 up till the last week of the quarter then I didnt have my final draft of my report in on time. It was only a day late but I think it will affect my grade hopefully leaving me with atleast a 90 something. I learned a lot this quarter one of the things I learned is to write a paper the proper way in MLA format and a workcited page. I think last quarter went very well and if I had to change something it would just be the final week of the 3rd quarter.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


When I can't sleep at night I normally try to go back to sleep and just lay awake turn on the T.V. then fall asleep like a half hour later. If I cant get back to sleep I will just get up, take a shower, plan out my day and try to get as much things accomplished I can. I love to sleep so I always get a full 8 to turn hours of sleep a night so I normally don't wake up at night, if I do wake up its because of I need to go to the bathroom or someone is calling my on my cell phone.

April Fools

April fools day is a special day, it means its 2 more days till my birthday. I will be turning 17 on April 3rd at 7:07 in the morning. Its a tradition in my household, my mom every year does a little prank on us or told us crazy little stories that would fool us. We don't really do anything special for April fools day, we just play pranks on each other through out the day. I do enjoy April fools day its one of my favorite holidays, the schools should take the day off and celebrate April fools day as a national holiday.