Monday, May 24, 2010

Flies vs Rings

If i could choose to be in The Lord of the Flies or The Lord of the Rings I would choose Lord of the Rings. I never seen or read The Lord of the Flies so I am not sure what to pick but I would still pick the Lord of the Rings because I think it would be awesome to live a life like that. My decision might change when I find out what the Lord of the Flies is about, but for now I am going have to go with The Lord of the Rings.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Polar bear vs bumble bee

If I had a choice to be a polar bear or a bumble bee I would choose to be a polar bear. I would like to live at the north pole and I would eat all the seals I come across so I can be the biggest baddest polar bear out there. I would stand 9 feet tall, three quarters of a ton in weight, and the thickest mane. I would want to have a female polar bear with three cubs that I would train to be the toughest polar bear. After I die maybe I would become a polar bear in my after life but I don't think it will happen I would want to be an rhino if I can.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

If I had been a tree

If I were a tree I would like to be a giant red wood tree. I would like to live in the rain forest in the middle of no where with hundreds of birds and animals that would live in my branches. Being a tree I would live for hundreds of year, being the biggest tree in the rain forest. Being a tree would be one of the ultimate things to do, and one of the most boring

Monday, May 10, 2010


Thoughts affect reality about a quarter of the time, thousands of thoughts go through my head everyday. If I act to everyone of my thoughts people would think I am crazy, I just think about random things all day. I procrastinate in my mind all the time, I will tell myself to do something I will set goals for the day and most of the time I usually don't end up doing a little bit of the time. Everything has been started by a thought, thoughts control most every body's life and their reactions. If you reacted to everyone of your thought you would go crazy. The quarter of the time my thoughts affect reality, but the other three quarters of the time I am just going crazy in my head.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Friendship is when you have a certain bond with someone who you can most of the time trust. There are many kinds of friend ship, you could be really close to someone know every about them and then there is friends who you talk to not knowing much about them but you will still consider them your friends. Friendship I expect to trust them without them going behind my back and insulting me or just talking about me. When I get into a friendship it usually is for a long time if not then its because there just not the right friend for me, there is people who is great to hang out with but you just don't want to be apart of their crowd of people. Friendship is like a bond between two people who want to be friends that you could trust and have each others back in any situation.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May's 1st weekend

My weekend started out with the Sat's on Saturday morning, we were given cake for Donovan's birthday it was delicious. Later on that day I went down to Skowhegan to get fitted for my prom tux, then I went down to my girl friend's house and stayed the night. The next day I helped her put up an electric fence for her horse, then we walked the horse a mile down the road to the barn. Since Saturday had been the Sat's all the juniors had Monday off. I spent that day mostly up to my camp hiking up to the top of Bluff mt. with Mark while my dad was doing some cutting so he can plant his black walnuts for his squirrel plantation he wants to make. I enjoyed my weekend, only have a few of the left before the school year is up.