Wednesday, June 2, 2010

College trip

This was my first year I attended Ms.Flood's college trip where we went to Orlando Florida. We went to three different colleges University of Central Florida, Embry Riddle, and another that Brandon Osgood attended. The first day we went to UCF which was a beautiful school by the way, then we went back to the condos and went swimming and sat in the hot tub until the kicked us out. On Wednesday we went to Embry Riddle which is mostly an aviation school, its right on a airport. After the trip to Riddle we went to Brandon's school then after that we went to the beach, which was wicked awesome. Thursday we went to Disney water park, Typhoon Lagoon. We stayed there all day went on every ride and got a sun burn. The last day Friday we went on a fan boat ride, saw a little alligator and an otter. When we rushed to the airport, ran to the counter we found out that our flight is delayed, if we would of taken the flight we would have missed the flight we had to catch in Baltimore so we just had to stay another night then took a direct flight the next morning which was a good idea. I had a blast on our mini vacation before summer vacation, if I had a chance I would do it again.

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