Friday, October 9, 2009


When it comes to being superstitious I am not. Ive heard some superstitions about if a black cat crosses your path you will have bad luck, walk under a ladder you will get bad luck, and if you break a mirror you will have bad luck for 7 years. When I was a young child I remember hearing step on a crack, break your mother's back. Since I heard that I usually try to avoid walking on cracks, but I do anyways and my mom is fine so I dont believe in it.

I am looking up other superstitions and some of them are, rabbit's foot brings goo luck, An apple a day keeps the doctor away, find a four leaf clover brings good luck, open an umbrella in a house it brings bad luck, and another one is that our fate is witten in the stars.

My grandfarter is crazy. He believes in superstitions because he hasn't had good luck in his life. He is a crazy redneck that lives on a side of a mountain in Pennsylvania. I am not sure of some of the superstitions that he believes in but I do know that he has had some good luck so im not so sure about believing in superstitions.

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