Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Turkey Pond

The picture above makes me think of rafting this summer one day at work, I am not really sure why its just when I looked at it that was the first thing thT pope into my head. I had a feeling of that everything is going to be smooth because there is nothing else in the picture but a feild, pond ,and a forest. Nothing was going get in the way of the man in the picture he is just going walk straight and think about nothing else but the pond. I would like to be in the state of the man thats walking through the feild feeling nothing phsyical but the grass brushing on my legs while I walk.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Holiday gift

If I could give any gift to someone It would have to be a gift card to somewhere. I think that is the best kind of gift you can get what ever you want without someone picking it for you, you don't need the hassle of bringing things back. I love Christmas.

Thursday, December 10, 2009


We use to go with the real trees when I was a little boy and when we went to Pennsylvania every Christmas we don't even celebrate Christmas at my house we always do out of state. So we thought that it would be a better idea to go with the fake artificial trees because its pretty much a waste of money. But for the Past 3 years we have talked my mom into getting a real tree, so yesterday in the middle of the storm I went to the store and picked one up and we got it all decorated.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

top ten

1. Rudolph, The Red Nosed Reindeer
2. Jingle Bell rock
3. Little Drummer Boy
4. White Christmas
5. Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow
6. Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer
7. Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
8. Rocking Around the Christmas Tree
9. It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Christmas
10. Frosty the Snowman

Friday, December 4, 2009

Future Blogs

1. Tell about your favorite animal and why it is you favorite.
2. Talk about the best teacher you had in elementery school.
3. What do you plan on doing after high school?

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Obama Address

Obama's address the other night about sending 30,000 more troops over to Afghanistan to add to the 60,000 plus troops that are already over there. Sometime in January he is sending the troops over, and sometime by 2010 we are going to pull our troops out. Obama is saying that we Americans are doing most of the help over in Afghanistan mean while other countries just stay out of it. America is like a big brother country to other countries, we help them when there in need. There has been Tsunami floods, war and America has always been there to lend a hand. Obama is trying to say to other countries to lend a hand and help with the crisis in Afghanistan. I think that the war we are in we should send more troops and take over the Taliban and murder them all and save that country. We are trainning the Afghanistan men to fight and show them techniques to use against the Taliban and to help train them and to built there army up so when the Taliban come they are ready to fight and stand up for theirselfs. After 2010 when we pull out of the war, we will have the Taliban under control and the Afghany soldiers will have the Taliban under the custady so by then Afghanistan will be a stronger and smarter country.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Favorite place

My favorite place is somewhere I don't know where it is, but I know what is there. It would be a massive 50 acres fields and forest with all sorts of trails on it. It would be for snowmobiles with 4 feet of powder and I would have a gnarly snowmobile with a huge track with 2 1/2 inch paddle tracks. There would be lakes that I could hydro plane across. There would be a massive ski lodge and huge mountain I could ski on with just my friends and rip it up all day long. I would love to be there that would defiantly be my favorite place in the world.

Monday, November 23, 2009


I think society today could be a little more strict about misbehavior we have in our country now. Our system is working but it could definitely be reinforced. People there days they could murder someone and get away with it. If our authority could react faster to the behavior that happens something should done about it. The misbehavior we have in our school system is whack. There are kids hat walk around this school that disrespect teachers and most everyone else. Then there are other kids that will make one mistake and they get punished more harsh than the kids that think they run the school just because the teachers are just to scared to do anything about it.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thanks Giving

Thanks giving is one of my favorite holidays. I love it because I get to eat a bunch of food that I love and there is always pumpkin pie which if my favorite pie. On thanksgiving we go to my grandma's house and have a dinner there. Most of my family members that live around this area joins us.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Favorite saying

Son of a Sea Biscuit! Trevor Miller told a story about some guy that he was with, and the guy got some solder in his eye and all he said son of a sea biscuit. I will prob use this saying a few times in my life, but i would mostly likely use the other way of saying it which is S.O.B. instead on son of a sea biscuit. After saying it 20 times in my head the meaning doesn't really change it just makes me think of a biscuit in the sea..

Friday, November 13, 2009

A Bottle of Mist

Album Title: A Bottle of Mist

Track 1: The Freshness
Track 2: Mist of all soda's
Track 3: Lost in the Serria
Track 3: Fountain of Dreams
Track 4: Bubbly in a Can
Track 5: Taste of Heaven
Track 6: Moist lips
Track 7: Fresh time
Track 8: The Taste you can see
Track 9: Something Pleasent
Track 10: How does that taste?
Track 11: Time on your hands
Track 12: When your Birthday
Track 13: Send me your Mind
Track 14: Hate on a Stick
Track 15: Serria Mist

Monday, November 9, 2009


I don't really remember any dreams that I have had lately but one dream I can remember from a long time ago and I have had this dream more than once. It starts out Micheal and I are walking across the Concord bridge, and them this vehicle rolls up and people jump out and they went after us. The picked us up and tossed us up over the railing and Mike falls but I get to hold on and they people took off. While I hang there I hear a helicopter and it flew by and it come back by again and drops down a ladder and so I garb the ladder and begin to climb. I don't know who it is until I get into the chopper and its my dad. That's all i can think of about that dream but its just sicks around in my mind because I have had this dream more than one time.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Tomorrow forecast will be Mid 20s in the morning so remember to thorw on the extra blanket for the chilly morning. By mid after noon don't forget you sweatshirts its goin be a little bit chilly with low 50s to high 60s. Better wear your boots, were going be getting a good 2 footer. There will be snow up to your knees by the morning so prepare for no school!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Johnny Cash

Your Artist: Johnny Cash
Are you male of female: A boy named Sue
Describe yourself: Cocaine Blues
How do you feel about yourself: Oh Lonesome me
Describe where you currently live: Peace in the Valley
If you could go anywhere, where would you go: I've Been Everywhere
Your favorite form of transportation: Rusty Cage
Your best Friend: It Ain't me Babe
Your favorite color is: Green Green grass of home
What's the weather like: Big River
What is life to you: One piece at a Time
What is the best advice you have to give: Gods going cut you down
If you could change your name, what would it be: Man in black
Your favorite food is: Cotton Fields
How I would like to die: Solitary Man
My soul's present condition: Cry, Cry, Cry
The faults I can bear: The Girl from North Country
How would you describe your love life: Trouble in Mind
What are you going to post this as:Johnny Cash

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

My weekend

This weekend it started off with doing some fire wood on friday, the i just hung out for the rest of the day. On Saturday I Finished the fire wood with Jesse and Jon. Saturday night I went to work and it was really slow so we just kinda hung out for awhile. Then on Sunday I did another load of wood and then went to the movies are saw Where the Wild things are, and thats my weekend.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Friday love song

Friday oh Friday
how time is frozen
I wish you were my day
the day I've chosen
yet I don't know what to say
because I think I love you
is there any better way
oh Friday oh Friday

I can't wait to be with you again
Friday oh Friday
bring back my joy
for the weekend I await
as you come as you go
from sunshine to snow
and its hard I know
Friday oh Friday

Friday, October 9, 2009


When it comes to being superstitious I am not. Ive heard some superstitions about if a black cat crosses your path you will have bad luck, walk under a ladder you will get bad luck, and if you break a mirror you will have bad luck for 7 years. When I was a young child I remember hearing step on a crack, break your mother's back. Since I heard that I usually try to avoid walking on cracks, but I do anyways and my mom is fine so I dont believe in it.

I am looking up other superstitions and some of them are, rabbit's foot brings goo luck, An apple a day keeps the doctor away, find a four leaf clover brings good luck, open an umbrella in a house it brings bad luck, and another one is that our fate is witten in the stars.

My grandfarter is crazy. He believes in superstitions because he hasn't had good luck in his life. He is a crazy redneck that lives on a side of a mountain in Pennsylvania. I am not sure of some of the superstitions that he believes in but I do know that he has had some good luck so im not so sure about believing in superstitions.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Wind to an alien

If a little green alien came to earth and I had to explain to him what wind is to him I would say. Wind is the the movement of the sky that you feel on your skin. The direction of which the flag is flapping is the direction of which the wind is blowing. Wind is the air in the sky that causes movement of the clouds.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Annoying songs

Well some song that I think are annoying are
"Disturbia by Rehinna", mainly because julian listens to it every class.
Any song that "pitbull" sings because I think he has a very annoying voice and his songs are dumb.
"Im a barbie girl" I dont like that song i find it very annoying and it hurts my head.
Well them are some songs that I find annoying.

Monday, September 28, 2009

my weekend

Well this weekend I was pretty pumped I didn't have to work. So on Saturday I went to Augusta and saw a movie with my g.f the movie was fame. I didn't like the movie I don't really like that kind of movie it reminded me of high School Musical. Well that was the high light of my weekend it wasn't busy, I had fun.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

School shut down

They want to cut back on school days of instruction. This wouldn't bother me because it means less days of school for me. But if the do limit the days and cut back on the budget we will be saving money. That means there going cut back on other things too, less activities for the student, less education for the students.

Homeless shelter

I did not know there was a homeless shelter in skowhegan.Everybody that was at the shelter was there for a second chance, a chance to change their lives around. I think its nice that they have a shelter for the homeless but what about the woman. There must be homeless woman as well. If they could get money to build on to the church maybe woman could live there to. I would volunteer to help at a homeless shelter if not help I would donate money to help build on to the shelter so they could reach there goal to shelter 24 homeless people.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

October October,
Oh how I love October,
leaves are changing,
climates getting cold,
Fall is coming into place in October,
Halloween is coming,
that means candy, oh how I love October,
October October.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

My first reacion to when I heard Goodnight Saigon and Christmas in Fallujah was "wow that must of sucked to be in the war, I would not want to do it." I wouldnt want to leave my family to go fight in a war I dont want to leave everyone around me knowing I may not be able to see them again.

Christmas in Fallujah

It's evening in the desert
I'm tired and I'm cold
But I am just a soldier
I do what I am told

We came with the crusaders
To save the holy land
It's Christmas in Fallujah
And no one gives a damn

And I just got your letter
And this is what I read you said
I'm fading from your memory
So I'm just as good as dead

We are the armies of the empire
We are ethe legionnaires of Rome

It's Christmas in Fallujah
And we ain't never coming home
We came to bring these people freedom
We came to fight the infidel
There is no justice in the desert
Because there is no God in hell

They say Osama's in the mountains
Deep in a cave near Pakistan
But there's a sea of blood in Baghdad
A sea of oil in the sand
Between the Tigris and Euphrates
Another day comes to an end
It's Christmas in Fallujah
Piece on Earth goodwill to men

It's Christmas in Fallujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
It's Christmas in Fallujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
It's Christmas in Fallujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
It's Christmas in Fallujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah

Marry Christmas from Fallujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah
Marry Christmas from Fallujah
Hallelujah, hallelujah [5x]


Goodnight Saigon

We met as soulmates
On Parris Island
we left as inmates
from an asylum
and we were sharp
as sharp as knives
and we were so gung ho to lay down our lives.

We came in spastic
like tameless horses
we left in plastic
as numbered corpses
and we learned fast
to travel light
our arms were heavy but our bellies were tight

we had no homefront
we had no soft soap
they sent us playboy
they gave us bob hope
we dug in deep
and shot on sight
and prayed to Jesus Christ with all of our might.

We had no cameras
to shoot the landscape
we passed the hash pipe
and played our Doors tapes
and it was dark..
so dark at night
and we held onto each other
like brother to brother
we promised our mothers we'd write

and we would all go down together
we said we'd all go down together
yes we would all go down together.

Remember Charlie?
remember Baker?
they left their childhood
on every acre
and who was wrong,
and who was right?
It didn't matter in the thick of the fight,...

We, held the day,..
in the palm of our hands
They, ruled the night
And the night, seemed to last as long as six weeks
On Parris Island
We held the coastline
they held the highland
and they were sharp
as sharp as knives
they heard the hum of the motors
they counted the rotors
and waited for us to arrive

(repeat chorus)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Vietnam war doesn't affect me but if I was around when they had the draft I would be a little bit worried. I would hate to be drafted to Vietnam I wouldn't want to be forced into a war that I didn't know what I was fighting for.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Welcome to my blog

Hello my name is Patrick, I don't really like blogging but I have to its not as much fun as the teacher talks it up to be. Well please enjoy.