Friday, June 4, 2010

Emerald vs Granite

If I could be a chunk of granite or a piece of emerald I would want to be granite. I would make a bathroom, kitchen, or any counter top beautiful as an angel. I would be completely water prof with many layers of gloss protection which will keep the granite indestructible. When I grow up I will have granite on all my kitchen counter tops with beautiful mahogny cabinets. I just cant wait to grow up and live by myself, do what I want, make money, and own a house.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

College trip

This was my first year I attended Ms.Flood's college trip where we went to Orlando Florida. We went to three different colleges University of Central Florida, Embry Riddle, and another that Brandon Osgood attended. The first day we went to UCF which was a beautiful school by the way, then we went back to the condos and went swimming and sat in the hot tub until the kicked us out. On Wednesday we went to Embry Riddle which is mostly an aviation school, its right on a airport. After the trip to Riddle we went to Brandon's school then after that we went to the beach, which was wicked awesome. Thursday we went to Disney water park, Typhoon Lagoon. We stayed there all day went on every ride and got a sun burn. The last day Friday we went on a fan boat ride, saw a little alligator and an otter. When we rushed to the airport, ran to the counter we found out that our flight is delayed, if we would of taken the flight we would have missed the flight we had to catch in Baltimore so we just had to stay another night then took a direct flight the next morning which was a good idea. I had a blast on our mini vacation before summer vacation, if I had a chance I would do it again.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Flies vs Rings

If i could choose to be in The Lord of the Flies or The Lord of the Rings I would choose Lord of the Rings. I never seen or read The Lord of the Flies so I am not sure what to pick but I would still pick the Lord of the Rings because I think it would be awesome to live a life like that. My decision might change when I find out what the Lord of the Flies is about, but for now I am going have to go with The Lord of the Rings.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Polar bear vs bumble bee

If I had a choice to be a polar bear or a bumble bee I would choose to be a polar bear. I would like to live at the north pole and I would eat all the seals I come across so I can be the biggest baddest polar bear out there. I would stand 9 feet tall, three quarters of a ton in weight, and the thickest mane. I would want to have a female polar bear with three cubs that I would train to be the toughest polar bear. After I die maybe I would become a polar bear in my after life but I don't think it will happen I would want to be an rhino if I can.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

If I had been a tree

If I were a tree I would like to be a giant red wood tree. I would like to live in the rain forest in the middle of no where with hundreds of birds and animals that would live in my branches. Being a tree I would live for hundreds of year, being the biggest tree in the rain forest. Being a tree would be one of the ultimate things to do, and one of the most boring

Monday, May 10, 2010


Thoughts affect reality about a quarter of the time, thousands of thoughts go through my head everyday. If I act to everyone of my thoughts people would think I am crazy, I just think about random things all day. I procrastinate in my mind all the time, I will tell myself to do something I will set goals for the day and most of the time I usually don't end up doing a little bit of the time. Everything has been started by a thought, thoughts control most every body's life and their reactions. If you reacted to everyone of your thought you would go crazy. The quarter of the time my thoughts affect reality, but the other three quarters of the time I am just going crazy in my head.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Friendship is when you have a certain bond with someone who you can most of the time trust. There are many kinds of friend ship, you could be really close to someone know every about them and then there is friends who you talk to not knowing much about them but you will still consider them your friends. Friendship I expect to trust them without them going behind my back and insulting me or just talking about me. When I get into a friendship it usually is for a long time if not then its because there just not the right friend for me, there is people who is great to hang out with but you just don't want to be apart of their crowd of people. Friendship is like a bond between two people who want to be friends that you could trust and have each others back in any situation.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

May's 1st weekend

My weekend started out with the Sat's on Saturday morning, we were given cake for Donovan's birthday it was delicious. Later on that day I went down to Skowhegan to get fitted for my prom tux, then I went down to my girl friend's house and stayed the night. The next day I helped her put up an electric fence for her horse, then we walked the horse a mile down the road to the barn. Since Saturday had been the Sat's all the juniors had Monday off. I spent that day mostly up to my camp hiking up to the top of Bluff mt. with Mark while my dad was doing some cutting so he can plant his black walnuts for his squirrel plantation he wants to make. I enjoyed my weekend, only have a few of the left before the school year is up.

Friday, April 30, 2010


I love spring, but if spring was able to talk to me I would ask it why it is snowing during spring time. I would want to ask it if next years spring will come this early and when spring will end. Why does April showers bring May flowers and how does the earth have the 4 seasons and why is spring the start of the warm weather?

Monday, April 26, 2010

My vacation

April vacation is my favorite one of the year, I started off by playing ping pong every day this week. I never played in my life and I got pretty good at it too. I didn't do much the week we had off, I did some lawn work took out my lawn mowers greased the up, wash them. The last weekend my brother came up and he took camper out of my back yard and brought it back to Mass with him. My sister spent her vacation in Dubai visiting her boy friend and his father. She went on a camel safari, went to the zoo, visited the largest building in the country that her boy friend's father had engineered. Its a really rich country over there and his father is loaded with money. Well my vacation wasn't to bad it could of been better but I enjoyed it, my April vacation was awesome!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Friday, April 9, 2010

dog vs hyena

If I had to be a dog or a hyena I would chose to be a hyena. I would run through the wild all day chase down little rabbits all though the dessert. I would live in a big hyena pride and be the alpha hyena of my group. I would lead my pride to victory in anything that will come in our way. Lion, tigers, and zebra will all be spooked when they see use running through the open fields. I would love to be able to sun bath all day in the sun and wonder where ever I want and live my own little hyena life.

Monday, April 5, 2010

3rd Quarter

My thired quarter went well, I am pleased with how everything went except for one assignment. Everything thing else went extreamly well, I gave this class 100% all of the time except for the last week or so. I had a 100 up till the last week of the quarter then I didnt have my final draft of my report in on time. It was only a day late but I think it will affect my grade hopefully leaving me with atleast a 90 something. I learned a lot this quarter one of the things I learned is to write a paper the proper way in MLA format and a workcited page. I think last quarter went very well and if I had to change something it would just be the final week of the 3rd quarter.

Thursday, April 1, 2010


When I can't sleep at night I normally try to go back to sleep and just lay awake turn on the T.V. then fall asleep like a half hour later. If I cant get back to sleep I will just get up, take a shower, plan out my day and try to get as much things accomplished I can. I love to sleep so I always get a full 8 to turn hours of sleep a night so I normally don't wake up at night, if I do wake up its because of I need to go to the bathroom or someone is calling my on my cell phone.

April Fools

April fools day is a special day, it means its 2 more days till my birthday. I will be turning 17 on April 3rd at 7:07 in the morning. Its a tradition in my household, my mom every year does a little prank on us or told us crazy little stories that would fool us. We don't really do anything special for April fools day, we just play pranks on each other through out the day. I do enjoy April fools day its one of my favorite holidays, the schools should take the day off and celebrate April fools day as a national holiday.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010


When I was a child I won a sweet light saber soon out of a cereal box. I would like to have a spoon that is a real light saber, by clicking a hidden button on the backside of the spoon it would turn in to a huge red beam of chaos that I would use to fight away any body that will dare to get in my way. It will be disguised as a normal spoon but by one click of a button all hell will break lose. I would be the Jedi spoon master and no body would be able to match me, I am unstoppable!

Wellness day

On Wellness day I did not attend I had Vocational that day. At vocational that day I went to my class went over what we read in our books then we took a test. The test was easy then I went to work. We build a trailer home and we are almost done with it, my group and I have been attaching vinyl siding. The wellness day looked like a blast but I would have rather been at vocational learning than staying at the school all day and doing activities.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Dream Restroom

My dream rest room would be the most spectacular place in the world. It would have the most awesome toilet with sweet toilet accessories such as, built in surround sound radio, a swivel laptop stand, industrial sized Charmin double quilted toilet paper dispenser, and flat screen t.v.s in all direction. It would be have the most Fancy sink, another toilet that shoots the water up in the air, the room would be spotless and no one else would be able to use it, it would be my own private rest room. The tiles on the floor would be made of diamond with pure gold toilets, mirrors sinks and everything it made of gold. I would have a hot tub in this bathroom with 300 built in jets that have settings to all pressure point to relieve my strees. My shower would be massive, 8'x8' with a shower head at all corners, and every shower head will have different functions to spray the water, that is my dream bathroom.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

free blog

So one day in sunny California there was this 100 acre dairy farm, and there was a lonely old cow with the only purpose in life was to be milked. But one day this cow was wondering around the pasture and stumbled into a sink hole. The cow started to moo and grunt as loud as it could before it sunk into the muck, as the cow was struggling to get out of the hole the farmer saw and it immediately went to help. The farmer took his tractor backed right up to the sink hole and took a huge strap and dived into to hole and quickly wrapped the strap around the cow's body. The farmer got into the tractor and gave it a little gas, the tractor began to spin and barley could get traction on the wet grass. The farmer thought he wasn't going to be able to save it because every time the the tractor pulled the cow kept kicking it way just deeper into the muck. The cow wouldn't cooperate with the farmer there was no way to save the cow, the farmer had to put it down. The tractor pulled the dead carcase and then brought it to the butcher shop and now the cows tender meat was sent to sold to us in Bingham and that was the most delicious chunk of beef I have ever had.

Monday, March 1, 2010


Since we have changed over to the new schedule with the blue and gray days I enjoy it much more than the previous years. On blue days I take a bus down to Skowhegan Regional Vocational Center and I am in the carpentry program, I'd much rather have that than going to school everyday and being stuck inside doing school work all day. On gray days I have chemistry, English 3, US history, and algebra 2, I like having two different days its not much to stress about with h.w because I only have 5 classes. I think that the blue and gray days were a good idea and I think we should continue this with all the years to come.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


If I could be a tree I would want to be a big red wood tree. I would want to be the biggest and greatest tree in the forest, id be so big there will be tunnels that you will be able to walk in and climb all the way up to the highest branches hundreds of feet in the air. I would like to be in a rain forest way out in the middle of no where with the most amazing animals and birds around.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


I would love to be telepathic, I believe that the human mind is able to be telepathic but only to an extent. I think it would be awesome to communicate and have a normal conversation with out saying a word. I would never say a word and only speak telepathically to everybody I would become a monk and sit around and do nothing and just live in my mind and learn to control things by using my mind powers.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Rock Band

Rock Band is my favortie game of all time, I am a guitar goddest and no body can stop me. I have played this video game for many years and I have gotten very good at it, Jonathan and I have mastered the game. I want to buy the Taylor Swift Band Hero game, I think it would be awesome to rock out all of her songs. Rockband is one of my favorite games of all times and my second favorite would have to be any of the Grand Theft Auto games.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


Well since I am a master farmer on farmville, I know all the good crops to grow on your plantation. Some of my favorite things to grow is grapes, sun flowers, and recently white roses. I little while back there was a special in the market that allowed you to grow super pumpkins, I think It would be a good idea if they made super water melons. If they have them it should be 4 experience points for one patch, if it was like that I would be able to level up in like 4 days. I love farmville I just can't get enough of it I am a daily grower on the sweet application on facebook.

Monday, February 8, 2010


If I had to live in a movie I would like to live in "The Wizard of Oz". I would want to be one of the little people who runs around, sings, and have such a jolly time. I would love to be a little person and have the good witch on my side there to protect me from the wicked witch of the east and her evil flying monkeys.

Thursday, February 4, 2010


I am a new comer to coffee, we just purchased a sweet new coffee machine. Its awesome there is these things called "K-cups" they are little disposable containers with coffee in them, there is all sorts of kinds, my favorite kind is the Carmel French Vanilla. Coffee is good but I don't think it is a everyday thing to do, I only drink coffee if its cold out I don't enjoy hot drinks on warm days, it just doesn't mix well with me. Most of the time I just use the coffee machine for hot water so I can make myself a glass of hot chocolate, id choose hot chocolate over coffee any day, I'm going to start my coffee addiction till I'm older when I am all grown up because I heard that coffee stunts your growth, I'm not done growing just yet.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Opposites atract

Some opposites attract to each other, but it depends on what it is that is being attracted. If it is a positive and a negative it will be attract but the negative and positive charge have to be opposite to each other in order to be attracted to each other, but if it is two positives facing each other it would force each other day and it can not be attracted to each other. Such as a magnet if you both positive side are facing each other it would just push away from each other you need the opposite sides to face each other to be attracted.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I was not able to stump the Akinator, I picked an easy person to guess for the Akinator. The first time I tried my person was Martin Luther King it took him a little while to guess it, but sure enough he got it. The Second time I tired he did not guess my thought, I had defeated him. It was Scobby Doo and they asked me if It was Jacob off of Twilight, I have stumped the Akinator.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

magic wand

If I had a magic wand I would most defeantly use it, it would make my life so much easier I would be able to magicaly make anything apear. First I would use it to get a suitcase of a million dollars and use that to buy a new house and anything my parents would want to make up for everything they have boughten me. I would use it to a ceratain extent, I would only use it for thing I need it wouldn't be a daily thing to use I would use it for my needs, not my wants.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


The video of the girl talking about the process of production of many objects we use and we dispose of, but we never really end up getting rid of it. Its called the materials economy, that is when something moves through a system from extraction, production, to distribution, consumption, to disposal. Extraction is where the material we need to build, production is where we make the product, distribution is where we sell it, consumption is where we buy the product, and disposal is where we get rid of and throw away all the hard work to make it and they only sold it for a fraction of the price. This video hasn't really changed my life in anyway it just makes me think a little different about what I buy and how I will take care of it to help the earth become a better place

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

random words you gave us

One afternoon my sister Rachel, brother Olon, and I had gotten lost in the woods, all we had brought with us is a axe, flashlight, a metal spike I found when we were walking, my brother carried a screw driver tool set, and my sister had a pair of pink sun glasses. We were walking along the side of a stream and we could see down the stream a road with a bridge crossing the stream. As we made our way down the stream we thought we were out of trouble, able to find a way home from the road, when we came to the bridge we heard a sound, we were frightened so we started to walk fast then we heard a screeching roar. I started to run we all ran we made it to the road and stop to turn around and see what it was that made the ferocious noise, it was a bear and it was on to us we had no choice other than to fight. O.T.'s tool set came in handy how all the tools were sharp enough to Pearce the skin of the bear, we had to have a plan so we had to hide on top of a massive bolder and we planned on to ambush it. As soon s the bear came running around the corner my brother and I were all ready for bear then we heard a shot and all we could see was a huge explosion and the sky light up like it was lighting, we quickly turned to see were the flash came from a there was a huge cloud of smoke and there was Sasquatch, he had fired a musket and flattened the bear, and as soon as we knew it he was gone. To this day I tell people this story and they never believe me that Sasquatch had saved our lives that day, but I never could really get a good look at him all I could see was a cloud of smoke and a big furry man.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Winter because I hate to rap

Since I didn't write anything for a rap I am going to blog about winter. Winter is my favorite season of all, my most favorite thing to do is to go skiing. I love to ski I rip up Baker every time I get a chance during winter. I go up every week and ski with my friends its the best time of my life. I usually get to go to Sugarloaf every year and go skiing on crazy trails that are life threatening. My favortie trail at Sugar loaf is White Nitro, its at the peak of the mountain and it is a straight down hill thats filled with moguls and you can pick up some speed and carve back and forth all over the mountain. Last year I went with Shane skiiing we went down that trail and I left him, I didn't see him for another ten mins untill he made it down the mountain.

Another winter activity that I really enjoy is to go snowmobiling. Last year was the last time I run my sled because I blew the engine in it, I am planning on getting it rebuilt by spring time. This one year Jesse, Seth, and I went snowmobiling, the snow was really hard and crusty at the time. We were going through this feild and I looked back and I saw jesse bounce back and forth and went flying off the sled, he almost rolled it on top of himself it was a really funny moment in my life watching Jesse go shooting off a snowmobile into the hard snow.

Winter Is my favortie time of year, nothing else can match it I get to do everything I like and I love to watch out my window at night and see bearly any snow on my roof and waking up in the morning and I saw a huge pile of snow on my roof going half way up my window, I love winter.


I don't rap.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Every year around Christmas time my family and I go to Pennsylvania to go see my mom's part of family. This year we went to my grandfathers house, he lives out in the middle of know where and this year when we got there it was in the middle of a snow storm. The past couple of years that we went down there the barley receive any snow, but this year the had up to a foot of snow. On Christmas morning my brother Olon, my cousin Andy, Jesse, and I went out sledding, there is this hill its just about staright down and at the bottom of it we made a huge jump. So we were jumping and getting huge air on the jump and it was fun. My Christmas was great and I cant wait for next year.